Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The First Rose

It was one of those fine moments,

When fascinations got the better of me…

I got myself a rose plant…

My companion, at lazy hours, to be.

Oblivious, was I then,

To the lessons, those hours would teach,

Waiting long, for just a flower to bloom,

Precious patience had just the peak to reach.

Then one fine morn, amidst the leaves,

A tiny green bud was taking a peek…

My heart overflowed with joyful kindness,

At the way, that beauty behaved so meek.

She was the princess of my heart now…

Claiming, every ounce of love in it.

I nurtured her like my own child…

But adamant, she would proudly sit.

Her shyness overwhelmed me,

Her straight refusal was making me mad,

When suddenly she braved all the odds,

And bloomed with all the youth she had.

Fair and red, epitome of love,

She unfurled her curves with defying grace,

And though, the sun shined at her,

It brightened somebody else’s face…

She flirted with the bees…

And their courtships, were quite a lure.

My insecure heart, fell a victim

To the fun of their youth, sweet and pure.

I knew now why it hurt my father

When I plucked the roses from his garden.

When it’s your hands that give way to life…

There’s a bond that is divine and ardent.

Well, now I had a truth to face …

That beauty is transient, it has to wither.

It was time and she had to leave…

Only memories soft and sweet would linger…

As she prepared to leave this ethereal world,

I had to turn my eyes away…

But lo! Behold! She had left a gift…

Another bud was on her way!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Starved of Love….

Down to the core,
We are beings of dust…
Puppets in the play of love…

Feigning wisdom,
Feigning strength,
Yet destiny, means us to be petty beggars…

Doesn’t really matter,
What we eat and drink…
For, we are all starved of love…

We hunger for love…
To be held in strong arms…
Submitting to the fear of being left alone.

Surge of bile
Making us animal…
Nothing but the ache of hunger…

It grips us, tears us,
It knows no modesty,
Makes us stoop low…

Ignited jealousies…
No mercy, no forgiveness,
Craving for love and deprived of it…

Such are we, crude creatures…
Overcoming all,
But the thirst of love…

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Universal Symphony

There is a certain rhythm in every ordinary thing around us.There is a rhythm in our heartbeat,in the flow of life through us,in the rising of the sun and in the unfurling of every petal.There is a rhythm in the way we think,in the way we act, in the way we laugh and cry and in the furor and calmness dwelling in our minds.There is a rhythm in the cycles of life and death,in the repetitions of joy and sorrow, in problems and solution and in the occurrences of success and failure.There is a rhythm in the way truth overwhelms us and lies devastate us.All of this seems and is so simple and this is where the essence of beauty lies.Very rarely we are able to connect to this...this universal rhythm and when we fail to link to it,we become sorrowful.This is wonderful, the way Nature plays all its instruments in complete synchronization.There is no chaos, no confusion...everything is in perfect symphony.

The Sweetness of Pain...

Pain, pure and sweet,

Pain, life’s humble burden,

You know, no pain less than this

Can cause to hurt you ever again…

Pained, you soothe yourself,

Pained, you cry out your heart…

Never hurt, you’d never know,

That you could have never stayed apart…

Pain, let’s you know the joys,

Pain, makes you worldly wise…

If not for the sweat on your brows…

Could you have ever treasured the prize?

Pained, you talk to yourself,

Pained, you come closer to Him...

So much, the sweetness of purest pain,

The light’s being lit, when you see it dim.